Digital Literacy: a virtual experience with elder people


  • Falon Carolina Reina Vanegas
    Minuto de Dios University Corporation -UNIMINUTO
  • Yuli Paulín Moya Garzón Minuto de Dios University Corporation -UNIMINUTO



digital literacy, differential approach, elder people, virtuality, lockdown


The aim of this study was to analyze the discourses referring to the motivation, benefits and difficulties of older adults who took the virtual digital literacy course during the inter-monthly period of 2020. The research method was a semi structured internet interview, analysis of logs and documentary review and, as a methodological strategy, theory based on open coding; as a navigation chart, the differential approach was used. The results were: identification of the way in which the achievements, motivations and difficulties faced by the people participating in the AMI project, allowed both the evaluation of the educational process, as well as the identification of their capacities, perspectives of the process and their environment vital. It is argued that the global panorama of the pandemic brought with it challenges in the accessibility of information and for the project of Literacy in the Management of Information of the Practice in Social Responsibility of Uniminuto. The conclusions emphasize that it is important to read the realities of the participants and the variables that in this virtual process could influence training, which permanently invites us to overcome the multiple social, technological, and emerging gaps within the framework of this new reality.


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How to Cite

Reina Vanegas, F. C., & Moya Garzón, Y. P. (2022). Digital Literacy: a virtual experience with elder people. Transdigital, 3(5).



Research reports
