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ICT-PD Model: Descriptors of digital competences for teaching practice




Digital skills, teaching practice, technologies


Various researchers have explored the concept of digital competences and their implication in the educational setting. As a result, multiple proposals have emerged that describe the stages and competency levels through which the teacher must go to achieve a correct incorporation of these tools in the classroom. However, making an assessment of this type of competency in the development of teaching practice continues to be a challenge due to the complexities that teaching represents. The aim of this study is to build a link between what has been conceptually defined as digital skills, with the dimensions that make up teaching practice as a multidimensional act. Through an exploratory qualitative study and a documentary research approach, a proposal was generated that involves, as binding elements, digital skills, institutional, social, personal, interpersonal, didactic and value factors related to the teaching and learning process. The result is a model that has been called ICT-PD, which contains a series of descriptors that categorize the various levels of incorporation of ICT from the perspective of the complexity of teaching practice and that can serve to assess from another edge the way the teacher is carrying out the integration of technologies in the classroom.


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How to Cite

George Reyes, C. E., & Castillo Cruz, E. (2021). ICT-PD Model: Descriptors of digital competences for teaching practice. Transdigital, 2(4).



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