Effective feedback on students from the theacher´s perspective





Feedback, effectiveness, teachers, students, virtuality


Feedback constitutes one of the fundamental pillars in the development of the teaching-learning process in students, since it allows identifying strengths and areas of opportunity, and in this way improving their performance, however, in online education it is of particular interest since the process of technological mediation and accompaniment that is developed by the teachers is essential for the achievement of the established objectives. It is in this sense that a quantitative-descriptive study was carried out, in which a training session was designed, developed and implemented for 412 teachers who teach classes virtually in a private institution with the aim of generating a process of reflection around the feedback activities that they incorporate into their teaching - learning process, and from this generate commitments for its improvement. To obtain the information, a pre-test and a post-test were applied that allowed us to assess the relevance of the feedback for teachers. Within the quantitative results, a significant improvement is observed, mainly in focusing on the activity, not on the person, the presentation of new challenges for the students, in terms of the areas of opportunity, it stands out to identify the value that the feedback has for the students. , as well as carrying them out both asynchronously in the activities and forums, as well as synchronously in the weekly sessions.


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22-08-2021 — Updated on 01-09-2021


How to Cite

Veytia Bucheli, M. G., & Rodríguez Serrano, K. (2021). Effective feedback on students from the theacher´s perspective . Transdigital, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.56162/transdigital63 (Original work published August 22, 2021)



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