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Effects of the use of b-learning in nursing students: a gender perspective analysis




B-learning, college student, nursing, gender


Currently, the use of b-learning is widely spread at different educational levels. However, in higher education there is still a literacy digital gap, due to student attributes and institutional factors; there is a lack of digital culture in nursing education. The objective of this study was to analyze, from a gender perspective, the effects of the use of b-learning in students of the Nursing Degree of the Autonomous University of Querétaro. The design was based on participatory action research with a group of 28 students at a university subject. The qualitative partial results present five groups of categories: 1) Digital technology, 2) Learning, 3) Institutional factors, 4) Family and 5) Gender. These suggest that there is a disadvantage between women and men to solve academic tasks with the use of b-learning due to differentiated factors, the particularities, and dynamics of the family, as well as the impact caused by the characteristics of the educational institution. It is concluded that universities face not only the lack of resources to achieve a digital culture, but also, in the case of nursing, to cope with the effects of the dynamics and idiosyncrasies of each family to which the students belong, which has an important effect.


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How to Cite

Palomé-Vega, G. (2021). Effects of the use of b-learning in nursing students: a gender perspective analysis. Transdigital, 2(4).



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