Digital literacy or learning digital language

Conceptual review and methodological proposal from an experience of university social responsibility in Bogota




Language, ICT, Digital literacy


Today the use of the internet and digital devices is increasingly massive. The social crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to many activities that take place in physical spaces in person, being transferred to virtual environments to be carried out remotely, in such a way that there are more and more people who have to make information and communication technologies everyday tools, but their incorporation into daily activities is done instrumentally without deepening an understanding and appropriation of the devices and language on which their logic of communication is structured. functioning. This article raises two reflections on language and proposes a methodology for digital literacy based on the learning obtained in an adult training experience within the framework of a university social responsibility process. The accent is placed on the need to generate processes that allow new and old information and communication technologies users not only to use digital tools as instruments but also as devices that have a language that builds reality and transforms thought construction processes.


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17-07-2021 — Updated on 05-11-2021

How to Cite

Camelo Romero, Óscar E. (2021). Digital literacy or learning digital language: Conceptual review and methodological proposal from an experience of university social responsibility in Bogota. Transdigital, 2(4).



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