Systematic review of the budget challenge in American and Mexican universities

a challenge for the Humanities and Social Sciences




higher education, quality, management, budget


This study addressed the situation of Mexican and American universities regarding the economic cuts of recent years. The strategies they carried out to operate and avoid bankruptcy were analyzed. In the United States of America, universities closed academic programs, increased costs, and reduced teaching staff. In the Mexican context, university problems focus on transparency and resource management. An exploratory approach was used to conduct this research. Information was collected from various digital newspapers. The sample was made up of nine American and nine Mexican universities. The data obtained allowed us to identify the thinking that will guide future generations. For the most part, students in the United States of America will be left devoid of humanistic knowledge. This will permeate social conflicts and future economic difficulties. In Mexico, education is a right and it is the obligation of the state to provide it. However, the conditions of the universities are unstable and overwhelming in terms of employment.


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How to Cite

Alvarez Junco, S., Regalado Velázquez, R. A., & Mendoza Ayala, M. A. (2024). Systematic review of the budget challenge in American and Mexican universities: a challenge for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Transdigital, 5(10), e367.



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