Knowledge management and sustainability in a wine company




knowledge management, sustainability, winery, processes


This research shows a case study within the wine sector of the Cheese and Wine Route in Tequisquiapan, Querétaro, Mexico. The aim was to identify the relationship between knowledge management and the sustainability of its methods. In addition, the variability of wine companies that use reconditioning, reuse, and recycling practices within their processes to minimize waste and take care of resources was considered. This to promote a circular economy translated into sustainable organizations operating in the state of Querétaro. In addition to generating value and accounting capital as intangible assets. Likewise, the research analyzed, through a mixed approach, the main problems that exist in knowledge management and sustainability in San Juanito Vitivinícola. A survey of 20 items was administered through Google Forms to 10 people in different positions in the winery. The first 10 items focused on the dependent variable of knowledge management, and the other 10 on the independent variable of sustainability. A pattern was identified in sustained and sustainable growth within San Juanito Vitivinícola.


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How to Cite

Herrera López León, D., & Garfias Sánchez, J. C. (2024). Knowledge management and sustainability in a wine company. Transdigital, 5(10), e366.



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