Development of Aerobic Capacity in Adolescent Soccer Players: Effects of Sport-Specific Training Compared to Continuous and Interval Training




HIIT, Small Sided Games, Aerobic Training, VO2max, digital technology


The aim of the study was to compare the effects of aerobic training on maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) and maximum aerobic speed (VAM) after five weeks in which three training methods were applied: continuous, interval and specific. A non-probability type sampling was carried out of volunteer participants with a total of 23 male soccer players residing in the urban area of the state of Quere?taro, 12.8 ± 0.75 years of age and weighing 48.14 ± 9.84. The population (n = 23) was randomly divided into three groups: Continuous Intensive Uniform Group (CUI; n = 8), the High Intensity Interval Training Group (HIIT; n = 7) and the Small Sided Games Group (SSG; n = 8). VO2max and VAM were indirectly estimated using the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test. Three training programs were prescribed where the training frequency was 3 sessions per week, and where the volume was equated and periodized (10-20 min / session) as well as the intensity (65-100% Velocity Intermittent Fitness Test). VO2max increased in all three groups (CUI: 11.3%, p = <.05, d = 3.22; SSG: 9.95%, p = <.05, d = 2.75; HIIT: 6.44%, p = <.05, d = 2.66), as well as the VAM: (CUI: 16.79%, p = <.05; SSG: 14.60 %%, p = <.05; HIIT: 9.27 %%, p = <.05). HIIT, CUI and SSG training are effective in increasing VO2max and VAM in the short term in adolescent soccer players.


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How to Cite

Ornelas Murrieta, A. ., Méndez-Ávila, J. C., & Camacho, D. (2020). Development of Aerobic Capacity in Adolescent Soccer Players: Effects of Sport-Specific Training Compared to Continuous and Interval Training. Transdigital, 1(2).



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