Methodological Congruence Matrix as a tool to manage the research process




Methodological Congruence Matrix, tool, management, research process, higher education


Effective research project management is essential for success and the generation of significant outcomes This article presents the Methodological Congruence Matrix (MCM) as a key tool for researchers and professionals, providing a practical and strategic guide that facilitates the management of research projects. The aim is to provide researchers and professionals with a practical and strategic guide for the management of research projects, highlighting the methodological design as a fundamental pillar through the implementation of a matrix as a tool that ensures the coherent and effective alignment of each step of the investigative process. A documentary method was used to explore the methodological process in the research, reviewing various sources. After implementing the MCM, students' perceptions of its usefulness and applicability were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The MCM was continuously improved based on its application in research projects of bachelor's, master’s, and doctoral students. The results show a high acceptance and positive perception of the MCM at all academic levels, reflecting an auspicious evaluation of this methodological tool. In conclusion, the MCM is a valuable guide that ensures the coherence and effectiveness of the research process, improving the quality and success of research projects.


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"Methodological Congruence Matrix as a  tool to manage the research process"

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How to Cite

Morales Salas, R. E. (2024). Methodological Congruence Matrix as a tool to manage the research process. Transdigital, 5(9), e337.



Research reports
