Web Tools for the Strategic Knowledge Management Processes





Strategic Processes, Collective Production, Knowledge Management in the Cloud, Catalogs, Web 2.0 Tools, Cloud Computing


The World Wide Web (WWW) emerged as a technology to support information requirements for research in high-energy physics at the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN). Since then its development has been permanent, going through various stages in its evolution. Through a comparative study with a benchmarking approach on various catalogs, services and available web tools, a selection of categories and tools for strategic Knowledge Management (KM) processes is presented. The results of this work reiterate a wide range of possibilities in terms of tools to carry out collective production as a strategic process of KM. The existence of a convergence between the Web 2.0 paradigm and the paradigm known as Cloud Computing (CC) is concluded in such a way that they coexist together. While one of the most relevant features of Web 2.0 is the conception of software as a service, the CC takes the technology, the services and the applications that are similar to those of the internet and turns them into a self-service utility. It is also concluded that this convergence between both paradigms supports KM processes in a ubiquitous way, that is, at any time, from any place and from any type of device.


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Herramientas Web para los Procesos Estratégicos-img

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How to Cite

De Fuentes Martínez, A., & Hernández López, M. S. (2020). Web Tools for the Strategic Knowledge Management Processes. Transdigital, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.56162/transdigital29



Research reports
