Effective financial planning in micro, small and medium service companies in Queretaro, Mexico





financial planning, small business, economic alternative, organization


In Mexico, history shows that the companies that are located within the range of small companies are the least favored by the existing economic situations. In the last economic crisis that occurred in our country, the need to consider a series of factors and characteristics that allow carrying out a financial planning process was expressed, considering the characteristics of the organization such as size, experience, capacity economic and for this it is necessary to propose financial economic policies and alternatives, emphasizing the critical environment. This qualitative research was carried out taking as a starting point the economic and financial reality of most small and medium-sized Mexican companies through a sample of the Queretaro industry sector. The foregoing, to provide clear and timely information, with consistent and feasible characteristics, which allows obtaining accurate results.


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How to Cite

Juárez Sánchez, L. M., & Sánchez Rayas, F. (2023). Effective financial planning in micro, small and medium service companies in Queretaro, Mexico. Transdigital, 4(8), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.56162/transdigital266



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