Telemedicine: revolutionizing medical attention in the digital era




telemedicine, medical attention, digital


Telemedicine has emerged as a transformative approach to healthcare delivery, taking advantage of advances in communication technology to bridge the gap between patients and healthcare professionals. The aim of this study was to explore the evolution, benefits, challenges, and prospects of telemedicine, based on the literature of the last ten years. A documentary review of scientific publications obtained from bibliographic databases was made. As main results, the article emphasizes the potential of telemedicine to improve access to healthcare, as well as improve patient outcomes and mitigate the burden on traditional healthcare systems. In addition, it addresses concerns about data security, regulatory frameworks, and ethical considerations associated with the implementation of telemedicine. The findings of this review underscore the need for continued further research, innovation, and policy development to maximize the potential of telemedicine and shape the future of healthcare. As a conclusion, it is obtained that telemedicine is present and future for the development and innovation in health sciences.


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How to Cite

Llinás-Delgado, A., Alcocer-Olaciregui, A., & Vargas-Moranth, R. (2023). Telemedicine: revolutionizing medical attention in the digital era. Transdigital, 4(8), 1–13.



Research reports
