Main risks in the use of information technologies in teenagers




cyber-attacks, cyber education, cybersecurity, cyberspace, information technologies


At the beginning of 2020, the world faced one of the biggest pandemics in history, resulting in a change in people's way of life with the use of information technologies at its center. Although their use had evolved rapidly, there were still many sectors of the population that had not fully integrated them. With the arrival of the pandemic, the entire world had to adapt to a new way of interacting, from the way of living with the family to the way of teaching and taking classes, to name a few activities. Basic education was one of the most affected sectors, as it had to transition from face-to-face work to completely online teaching. However, a large part of this population, made up of adolescents, girls and boys, were not familiar with the risks that daily coexistence with the Internet entailed. This revealed that educational institutions did not have time to educate their students on cybersecurity. This article shows some of the main risks that adolescents face, derived mainly from an increasing exposure to the Internet, and does not contemplate minimum safety and prevention measures. Finally, some strategies are presented that help to mitigate these problems.


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How to Cite

Aguilar-Torres, G., Delgado-Vargas, K. A., De Abiega-L’Eglisse, A. F., López-Hernández, L., & Gallegos-García, G. (2023). Main risks in the use of information technologies in teenagers. Transdigital, 4(7), 1–14.



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