Proposal for virtualization of mental health services in higher secondary and higher education




Entrepreneurship, Psychology, Telehealth, Adolescence, Students


Adolescents are a segment of the population that is within the main groups in which mental health difficulties can develop, this is caused by different reasons, among which are the physical, psychological, and social changes to which they are subjected. They are in contact throughout their lives; however, it is also important to consider that this is the age at which certain decision-making begins that could affect a large part of their adult life. For this reason, the decision was made to focus the efforts of three different study areas (International Business, Psychology, Software Engineering) in the creation of an application prototype whose purpose is to digitize mental health so that in this way the Adolescents belonging to high school and university can count on psychological guidance in an accessible and low-cost manner. The business plan that was carried out focused primarily on offering the application service to private schools so that in this way the students had the possibility of accessing various workshops, talks, audiovisual material such as podcasts and publications focused on the well-being of the comprehensive health of young people, in addition to being able to provide psychological guidance to students who request it within the same application.


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How to Cite

Escudero-Sánchez, D., & Díaz-Rojas, D. (2024). Proposal for virtualization of mental health services in higher secondary and higher education. Transdigital, 5(9), e185.



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