Development of a mobile application luxometer-type considering the minimum lighting levels established in the Official Mexican Standard 025 STPS 2008




mobile application, Android, Android Studio


Mexico has the Official Mexican Standard 025 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of 2008, whose aim is to establish the lighting requirements in work centers and provide a safe and healthy environment for workers to perform their tasks. Lighting can be measured with an instrument called a luxmeter, but these are not always available in the workplace. This research developed a mobile application for Android devices that allows lighting measurements to be taken, like a commercial luxmeter. The results of the application also indicate whether the level is adequate as established in the aforementioned standard. The Kanban development methodology and the Android Studio integrated development environment (IDE) with Java, Python (TensorFlow) and PHP programming languages ??were used. To ensure the quality of the results, a sample of readings (n=21) obtained with the application and a commercial luxmeter was taken. Subsequently, its normality was verified through the Ryan-Joyner test and a t-test for independent samples (?=0.05) was performed. The results confirmed the normality of the data and the non-rejection of the hypothesis of equality of means in the t-test of independent samples. Therefore, the results of the sample obtained with the application did not have a significant mean difference with those obtained from the commercial luxmeter sample.

Author Biography

José Ignacio Aguilar Carrasco, Higher Technological Institute of Ciudad Constitución (TecNM), Baja California Sur, Mexico




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How to Cite

Aguilar Carrasco, J. I., Cuevas Torres, O. M., & García López, I. F. (2023). Development of a mobile application luxometer-type considering the minimum lighting levels established in the Official Mexican Standard 025 STPS 2008. Transdigital, 4(7), 1–23.



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