Construction of the pedagogical meaning of Digital Citizenship: a systematic review




digital citizenship, digital competence, pedagogical meaning


Social structures in digital educational ecosystems are modified to adapt to new forms of interaction. The formation of responsible digital citizens falls largely on educational actors, mainly teachers, who face the challenge of pedagogically mobilizing the meaning of digital citizenship towards the spaces of coexistence and learning of their students. This systematic review aimed to establish a state of knowledge of the construction of the pedagogical meaning of digital citizenship in teachers. The review period was from 2011 to 2022. The Francis & Taylor, EBSCO, ERIC, and Semantic Scholar databases were consulted. The study used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. The identification of relevant literature resulted in the analysis of 39 articles. The findings suggest that the study of the pedagogical meaning of digital citizenship is scarce and that the current trend of research mainly addresses the level of knowledge and perception of digital citizenship among teachers of secondary and higher education. The understanding of the pedagogical meaning of digital citizenship could be expanded as more research addresses the phenomenon and expand the horizon of learning for peaceful coexistence and productivity in digital ecosystems.


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How to Cite

González Llanes, F. M. (2023). Construction of the pedagogical meaning of Digital Citizenship: a systematic review. Transdigital, 4(7), 1–23.



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