Content strategies in building commercial authenticity through image for Instagram engagement




influencer, instagram, authenticity, participation, field diary


The communicative strategies of Mexican influencers on Instagram were studied through the analysis of the results of the ethnographic technique of field diaries generated by analysts specialized in design and visual communication. Among the resources they used to build their brand and relate to other profiles and their followers, two main orientations were found. One is based on a narrative of everyday life characterized by perfection and privilege. The other is described as based on openness, sincerity, and vulnerability between the content creator and his or her follower base. It characterizes the brand building strategies based on colors, styles, structures, and publication schedule on which a fragile relationship between creator and followers is sustained. The use of the field diary stands out as a technique that takes advantage of the ethnographic method as a source of information and contrastive reflection in digital format that allows the relationship through hyperlinks between the material in different formats. It also made use of collaborative work platforms that allowed access to all the information generated by the work team, which facilitated the exchange of information and perceptions.

It highlights the use of the field notebook technique as a source of information and contrastive reflection in digital format that allows the relationship through hyperlinks between the material in various formats. Likewise, collaborative work platforms were used that allowed access to all the information generated by the work team, which facilitated the exchange of information and perceptions.


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How to Cite

Barba, R. (2023). Content strategies in building commercial authenticity through image for Instagram engagement. Transdigital, 4(7), 1–21.



Research reports
