Importance of information and communication technologies during academic training for occupational therapy degree in Mexico




training, ICT, occupational therapy, Mexico


Due to the current scenario at a higher level of education influenced by technology, the importance of making use of information and communication technologies in the occupational therapy degree in Mexico stands out. Mexican education must have constant updates due to various factors that lead to a challenge to strengthen higher education. For the teaching of occupational therapy in Mexico at the undergraduate level there are various institutions, and the extension and academic linkage allows taking advantage of technological resources to improve these teaching processes. Finally, it is worth highlighting the knowledge and professional experience of each teacher with an approach related to the use of technology. The purpose of this essay is to highlight the importance of information and communication technologies during academic training for occupational therapy in Mexico in the face of the new educational challenges of the technological revolution, considering the advantages of implementing and modifying academic programs of this degree in favor of health.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Melitón, D. (2022). Importance of information and communication technologies during academic training for occupational therapy degree in Mexico. Transdigital, 3(6), 1–19.



Scientific essays
