The meme as a mediating emotional expression during confinement




Meme, emotions, culture, identity, adolescents


The meme is a phenomenon of communication through social networks that has increased significantly in recent years, which expresses a point of view in the different areas of human life, for example in the context of politics, science, economics, health, education. In this sense, the objective of this research report is to present the results of the exploration of the emotional experience with the use of memes as mediators during the confinement of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was carried out based on the memes shared by some third-year high school adolescents in the State of Hidalgo, México. We worked through a qualitative descriptive-interpretive methodology through content analysis since it allows us to review the structure, intertextuality, rhetoric of humor, themes and protagonism characterized in the memes sent. The collection and analysis of the information was carried out in the months of June and August 2021. From the analysis of 87 digital memes, it can be seen what the main characteristics of digital humor are, which contributed to the different states of mind. That adolescents went through during confinement. It is concluded that the emotion factor has an important load in memes and that the narrative and rhetoric of humor is a common form within the expression of the image for the projection of identity.


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How to Cite

Veytia Bucheli, M. G. (2022). The meme as a mediating emotional expression during confinement. Transdigital, 3(6), 1–26.



Research reports
