Implementation of a multimodal didactic system in the Chemistry class to build educational intermodality




educative intermodality, multimodal education, information a communication technologies, upper secondary education


The low school performance in the Chemistry class at the Upper Secondary Education is a multifactorial phenomenon: lack of motivation, the sociocultural context, and the lack of innovative study techniques. The traditional model of behavioral teaching does not increase the interest in students; therefore, it is necessary to use an educational model based on constructionism that implements and incorporates information and communication technologies. The aim of this study was to implement a multimodal didactic system that would allow us to achieve educational intermodality in ??Chemistry to improve the academic performance of students from the EBA-UAQ Campus Sur of the Autonomous University or Queretaro, Mexico. The research method was as follows: different educational platforms were analyzed, and virtual teaching material was developed. The project was carried out with first-semester students who took Chemistry I, divided into two groups: a control group, in which the students took the subject using a traditional model, and the intervention group, where they took the subject with a multimodal model. Both populations were compared in terms of academic performance in the class. The results suggest that the students belonging to the intervention group presented an increase in the partial grades and the failure rate decreased. The main conclusion is that implementing a multimodal model that allows us to take the step to intermodality is a strategy that helps improve the teaching-learning process and establishes a guideline aimed at educational continuity.


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How to Cite

Canto Guerrero , L., Rubio Rodríguez, J. C., & Carrillo Pacheco, M. A. (2022). Implementation of a multimodal didactic system in the Chemistry class to build educational intermodality. Transdigital, 3(6), 1–20.



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