The teaching digital competence that defines the humanist teacher of the 21st century




digital competence, humanism, teaching, technology


Digital competence is an asset that teachers must have to interact in the digital world. In this article, recent reference frameworks on digital competence were analyzed with the purpose of identifying the main skills, aptitudes and roles that must be assumed by teachers in the 21st century. A systematic mapping of the literature was carried out that considered several aspects: the learning of information and communication technologies, pedagogy, the understanding of digital skills and their interrelation with research skills. The results indicate that digital humanism is a central and irreplaceable axis of contemporary teaching practice and that the use of technologies in learning processes is an important aspect to consider in teacher training. It is concluded that the success of the teacher is given by the cultivation of technological skills, by the inclusion of creative, investigative, and innovative strategies in the classroom, and that humanism and culture are essential for their professional development.


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How to Cite

George Reyes, C. E., Molina Bernal, I. A., & Uribe Uran, A. P. . (2022). The teaching digital competence that defines the humanist teacher of the 21st century. Transdigital, 3(6), 1–31.



Research reports
