Validation of the Community of Inquiry scale for the evaluation of Blended Learning




Community of Inquiry Survey, social presence, cognitive presence, teaching presence, exploratory factor analysis


The Community of Inquiry (CoI) model is an alternative in the online learning process with constructivist theoretical foundations. For learning in virtual environments to be effective, it requires the participation of a community and considers three presences for the development of a successful learning experience: cognitive presence, social presence, and teaching presence. The purpose of the study was to analyze the validity and reliability of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) survey developed by J. Ben Arbaugh to evaluate the CoI model. For this purpose, the instrument was applied to 144 undergraduate students at the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas during the second semester of 2021. In the final solution it was identified that the items are grouped into three factors, explained by 68.66% of the variance. In the internal consistency analysis using Cronbach's alpha, the three presences of the scale resulted with high reliability (teaching presence= 0.975, social presence=0.929 and cognitive presence=0.958). The scale resulted in Cronbach's alpha= 0.975. The results indicate that the instrument is valid for evaluating the implementation of Blended Learning under the above model.


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How to Cite

Medina López, J. E., Martínez Ruíz, H. ., & Sánchez Rodríguez, L. I. (2022). Validation of the Community of Inquiry scale for the evaluation of Blended Learning . Transdigital, 3(6), 1–24.



Research reports
