Limitations on the use of the Flipped Classroom in Higher Education




Flipped Classroom, Educational Excellence, Development Cycle, Higher education, hermeneutical phenomenological


The organizations of international relevance recommend the incorporation of new educational models, among them, is the Flipped Classroom. The Flipped Classroom is a new educational model that can help improve the teaching-learning processes, through Educational Technologies (TE). The specialized literature of the Flipped Classroom indicates that there is empirical research on the students' perception of the Flipped Classroom. However, research is needed on the limitations that the Inverted Classroom can present when applied in different contexts. The objective of this work was to analyze the limitations that can be presented when applying the Flipped Classroom,to a group in a context of traditional classes. A hermeneutical phenomenological method was carried out. The Flipped Classroom was developed using the Educational Excellence Development Cycle method. The group that participated was the class of Parasitología, Licenciatura de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. The results analyzed four main limitations, which are: 1) In the Inverted Classroom the Student needs to have knowledge of some TE; 2) If it is applied to receiving-memorizing students, the model may seem inappropriate; 3) The Inverted Classroom does not fully promote memorization competence; 4) It does not have an appropriate evaluation model or instrument. In conclusion, before applying the Flipped Classroom, limitations should be considered so that it can really help improve teaching-learning processes and propose appropriate evaluation models. 


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Limitaciones en el uso del aula invertida-img

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How to Cite

Mercado López, E. P. (2020). Limitations on the use of the Flipped Classroom in Higher Education. Transdigital, 1(1).



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