Blended learning in Higher Education: Biology




learning method, blended learning, biology, higher education


In the present study, the literature of the last six years regarding Blended Learning (BL) applied in the teaching of Biology in higher education was reviewed, with special attention in times of health emergencies such as the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The search method was followed in metasearch engines using the algorithm (Blended learning) AND (biology) AND (higher education) to obtain literature from 2016 to 2022. The information obtained was analysed using the narrative method, where different experiences were contrasted. reported by the students, teachers and schools involved. In addition to compiling the findings of each investigation, from the type of investigation involved, the country where it was carried out, its stated objectives, the sample size, the subjects where it was applied and the results they reported, and the advantages and disadvantages that this model represents when applied in the teaching of Biology. It was concluded that the model is still under development worldwide and is applicable as a pedagogical method. It can be used to teach any subject in the biology career, as long as there is good ICT management by the teacher and the students. In addition, research in this regard is scarce for the Latin American region.

Author Biography

Carol Galindo Ponce, Faculty of Higher Studies Iztacala, National Autonomous University of Mexico




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How to Cite

Galindo Ponce, C. (2022). Blended learning in Higher Education: Biology. Transdigital, 3(6), 1–24.



Research reports
