About the Journal

Transdigital is an electronic, scientific, open-access journal with a double-blind peer-reviewed evaluation process that addresses the study of technology and society.

It is aimed at an audience interested in the results of empirical and documentary research on the challenges posed by incorporation of digital technology in various areas of society, such as education, health, justice, employment, migration, gender identity, etc.

Transdigital was published for the first time in 2020 and is edited by the Research Society on Digital Studies C.S. and, therefore, is interested in promoting multidisciplinary cientific research.

Transdigital is interested in empirical and theoretical studies conducted using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods concerning emergent issues on digital technology. Likewise, scientific essays on topics related to digital technology and society are accepted.

Transdigital is published bi-annually (January and July) by the continuous publication model. On this model, there is no distinction between “online first” and published. Once the contributions go through the peer review process and they are accepted, immediately are typeset and published. 

Transdigital has the ISSN 2683-328X.

You are wellcome to send your contributions to the Scientific Report Section or the Scientific Essay Section.

Research repors section

We are interested in receiving partial or final reports of empirical and theoretical research carried out with quantitative, qualitative or mixed research methods on the challenges posed by the incorporation of digital technology in various areas of society.

We accept English and Spanish contributions. For contributions see the Author Guidelines.

Scientific essays section

Transdigital is also interested in publishing innovative ways of thinking, writing, researching and presenting original arguments regarding the challenges of the incorporation of the digital technology in various scopes of society. 

We accept English and Spanish contributions. For contributions see the Author Guidelines.

Publishing fees

Transdigital charges 4,500 Mexican pesos (260 USD) per publication. A maximum of three authors is suggested and editorial guidelines suggest a maximum of six thousand words. These limits may be exceeded with an adjustment to the publishing fees.

If you are interested in being an associated editor, or if you have any suggestions for the journal, please feel free to send us an email to: aescudero@revista-transdigital.org.


So far, the journal has been indexed in:








Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib)




Google Scholar



Sherpa Romeo

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek



ZDB Zeitschriften Datenbank

The University of Liverpool


Transdigital Proyect